Deepak Chopra said that, and he was right. How so? Well, everything in the Universe is always in movement, and always changing. For instance, if you look at a propeller and it is still it will have its unique appearance. But if you look at the same propeller and it is moving, the appearance will totally different, perhaps it may even become invisible to the human eye.
Take a picture of a friend, a pet, or a loved one, for example. Look at it up-straight. Now turn it upside down. Can you still recognize the figure? Let's say you puncture a hole in the middle of the picture and give it a stroke so that it spins. Will the picture look the same now?
Quantum physics explains that we only see objects that are able of being recognized by our brains, i.e., if we don't have a prior register of meaning to that which is manifesting in front of us, we might as well not see it at all. It also explains that the mere act of observing something will affect its existence.
Thus, an item truly exists only as long as it is observed, otherwise, it is not only meaningless but simply nonexistent.
Reality as we see it is always being shaped by the way in which we observe it. This means that if we shift the way we see reality, that is, if we see things, objects, or behaviors through a new perspective, immediately our perception of what is being observed changes as well.
It is in this relationship of ourselves with the circumstances that our true power lies.
Everything in our world is always in movement, and therefore always changing its appearance. What do you bring to your observations? Careful, because in an observer-created reality, you will find what you are looking for.