Straight forward? The eating disorder is only a symptom you are manifesting. It is not you!
There is no standard formula to explain why a person is having an eating disorder because it is merely a red light that demonstrates that there are unconscious issues leading to the behavior. Only therapist and client working in collaboration may reach the root causes and alleviate suffering. This "simplicity" does not mean that the condition is not dangerous; in fact, the symptom may lead to disastrous outcomes if left untreated.
Let's take the example of a headache, which is also a symptom. It is common for people to treat headaches with an analgesic, on and on, sometimes for many weeks before seeing a doctor. We do this because we are unaware that headaches are reflections of visual, liver, stomach, allergies, and numerous conditions that are causing the symptom- but are not cured with a pain killer.
In analogy, an eating disorder is also a symptom that may be ameliorated with medication such as antidepressants, however, the root cause(s) are not addressed with pills.
This is when a specialist can really help. Client and therapist will work collaboratively to understand the underlying issues that may be addressed, and thus a treatment plan may be engaged respectfully.
